Lamb Butchery Course (SOLD OUT)

lamb butchery course, butchering a lamb course

Lamb butchery in a day is a hands on one day lamb butchery course teaching you all the skills to butcher a lamb carcass at home with basic butchery equipment.  Jamie Cooper from Critchlows of Bakewell will share with you all his expertise and secrets gathered from his families involvement in the butchery business spanning 3 generations.  Jamie will show you how to take a whole lamb carcass and butcher it down into the classic cuts of lamb.

You will end up with half a lamb which you will have butchered yourself and will be able to take home to savour over the coming months.

Lunch will comprise of a roasted joint of lamb.

All equipment and ingredients are supplied by Hartington

Course times 10.00 - 4.00

Dates Price Tutor Spaces  
Hartingtons Ltd
Hartingtons Ltd
1st Floor Rutland Mill, Rutland Mews,Coombs Road
Bakewell , DE45 1AQ United Kingdom
01629 888 586